FRBservices.orgSM is full of information to help Fed customers with their daily operations and tasks. From reference materials to information about industry events, there are a variety of reasons to frequent our website. However, there is one page you should check on a daily basis: Service Status.

This feature is designed to keep you abreast of the operational status of Federal Reserve Bank Services. Whether you need information on opening and closing times or you are looking for details regarding a disruption, Service Status is where you need to go. There are two easy ways to access the page:

  1. When you visit any page of, look for an icon in the top right-hand corner, as shown below. This icon will be green, yellow or red depending on the current operational status of Federal Reserve Bank Services.
    • Green indicates that all service areas are operating normally. However, there could still be a message you need to read, so you should regularly visit the Service Status page even if the button is green.
    • Yellow or red signals there is a service issue or disruption in progress. You should visit the Service Status page to learn more.
  2. service status button
  3. Another way to access Service Status is through the top navigation within FedLine® Home. We added this feature to make it easy and convenient for FedLine Subscribers to get timely notifications in one place. Once you log in to your user portal, you will see a Service Status icon, similar to the one on, that is green, yellow or red. If you click on that icon, it will take you to the Service Status page.

Understanding Service Status communications

Once you have reached the Service Status page, you will see a list of service areas followed by a legend, as shown below. Similar to the Service Status icon color, a green check mark indicates that everything is operating normally, while a yellow triangle or red “X” signals an issue or disruption.

service status alerts and legends

You will find three different communication types on the Service Status page:

  1. Alerts appear when the Federal Reserve Banks are experiencing a service disruption. Service alerts contain recommended actions, alternative processing options and support contact information. An alert will appear on the right-hand side of the Service Status page, as shown below.
  2. service status alerts

  3. General notifications relay messages about events that do not impact a specific service area, such as information regarding testing or impending weather issues. General notifications appear at the bottom of the Service Status page, as shown below.

    general notifications

  4. Messages share information such as opening and closing times, maintenance, extensions and testing. Services with active messages will appear in blue text on the Service Status page. You can view a message by clicking on the name of a specific service. You will then see a new window open with a message, as shown below.


Service Status has information that is essential to business continuity planning for your organization. It is the fastest and easiest way to obtain information from the Federal Reserve Banks regarding the operational status of our products and services.

Action Item:

Take the first step to stay informed by bookmarking Service Status and checking it daily.