The Federal Reserve uses reporting forms to collect data from bank holding companies, depository institutions, other financial and nonfinancial entities and consumers. Submission of the forms is required in some cases, voluntary in others. Some data are collected frequently, others only occasionally. The information gathered by these reports aids the Federal Reserve in carrying out its responsibilities for the conduct of monetary policy, the supervision and regulation of the banking industry and the protection of consumers’ rights.
This section offers information on filing reports electronically via our Internet reporting application: Reporting Central. You also have easy access to reports and forms, and other relevant documents for preparing and filing regulatory and financial reports.
For information, please visit the Reporting Central Resource Center.
The Reporting Central application allows for a more secure, technically advanced and efficient system that serves as a single point of entry for electronic reports submission via direct data entry and file uploads. Individuals will logon to the Reporting Central application via the FedLine Web® access solution, where they will have access to electronic reporting applications, report forms and instructions. Paper submission will continue for some reports, but organizations are encouraged to take advantage of the efficiencies of electronic submission.
Click the button below to access the Reporting Central application:
Reporting Central Secure Logon Reporting Central Secure Logon
You can test the Reporting Central application in the test environment. If you have questions related to testing, please contact your local Reporting Central District Contact.
A Reporting Central External User Guide (PDF) is for the benefit of individuals responsible for the preparation and submission of reports. The user guide provides information on how to:
The links below provide information about report forms and instructions available from the Federal Reserve, Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council and the U.S. Department of the Treasury:
The link below provides a list of financial and structure reports that a Foreign Bank Organization (FBO) may have to file:
If you plan to set up any End User Authorization Contacts (EUACs) or Subscribers who are located outside of the United States or its territories, please contact the Customer Contact Center for more information on this process.
The link below provides vendor contacts for report preparation software:
Please share Reporting Central application information, located on the Reporting Central Resource Center, with all vendors who support software development for your organization.
Please contact your local Reporting Central District Contact with questions regarding electronic submission of financial data and reporting instructions. For assistance with setting up access to the Reporting Central application via the FedLine Web Solution, contact the Federal Reserve's Customer Contact Center.