The Federal Reserve continues its efforts working toward the desired outcomes outlined in the 2015 Strategies for Improving the U.S. Payment System (Off-site) paper and built upon in the 2017 paper, Next Steps in the Payments Improvement Journey (Off-site). Released in October, the Fall 2019 Progress Report (Off-site) highlights the latest achievements and planned next steps for making payments faster, secure and more efficient.

The new Fall 2019 Progress Report summarizes the most recent payments improvement accomplishments and updates on strategic focus areas. Highlights include:

For a detailed summary of accomplishments, and to learn about the planned work ahead, read the full Fall 2019 Progress Report (Off-site). Stay informed on the Fed’s progress toward improving the U.S. payment system and ensure you receive the latest news and perspectives by joining the growing FedPayments Improvement Community (Off-site).