The Ops Stop provides your organization with a one-stop shop full of helpful operational resources offered by the Federal Reserve Banks. For this installment of the series, we are featuring the value of social media and how it connects you to valuable information. Stay engaged with the Federal Reserve Bank Services by following the @FRBservices Twitter account.

The official Twitter account for Federal Reserve Bank Services is @FRBservices (Off-site). Following this account is a great way to stay up to date on both operational and promotional news and events, as well as information from around the Federal Reserve System. You can easily access Twitter from your PC, tablet or phone, making it a convenient way to stay on top of valuable information including:

In addition to the @FRBservices Twitter account, you can stay connected with your regional Federal Reserve Bank and the Federal Reserve Board of Governors by following the accounts we often retweet below:

Action Item:

Start following the Twitter accounts provided above and share with others in your organization who value access to great information!