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Report Delivery via FedLine® Solutions Interface Guide


This FedPayments® Reporter Service for FedACH® Services Report Delivery via FedLine® Solution Interface Overview is written for personnel who are responsible for building, deploying and supporting the interface from the FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH generated interface file to a depository financial institution's back-end systems. Depending on the particular situation, financial institutions may refer to software vendors or third-party service providers.

There are two supported output channels for the FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH. One is an integrated encrypted email solution, which is not discussed in this guide. The other supported output channel is the FedLine Solution file delivery option (delivery via FedLine Advantage®, FedLine Command® or FedLine Direct®), which is the option covered by this guide.

With the FedLine Solution file delivery option, an XML formatted file containing the reports generated for a given Routing Transit Number (RTN) can be requested and delivered via the selected FedLine Solution.

The following decision flow may assist DFI staff in determining if this solution is right for their institution:

  • Does your institution have an online banking platform?
    If no, then you may prefer using the encrypted email delivery option instead.
  • Does your institution wish to make FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH reports available to your business customers via your online banking platform?
    If no, then you may prefer to using the encrypted email delivery option instead.
  • Does your institution utilize an online banking platform supported by a vendor?
    If yes, then we recommend contacting the online banking vendor.
  • Does your institution have a custom-built online banking platform you support internally?
    If yes, then we recommend you continue exploring the XML formatted file.

To request that this XML formatted file be generated, Part 6D, Section B of the FedACH® Participation Agreement must be completed and submitted. After the participation agreement is processed, your institution or assigned Service Participation Point (SPP) manager may use the FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH screens to request the desired scheduled reports be delivered to a designated FedLine Solution. This XML formatted file can be used by your institution to populate file storage and Internet banking cash management systems. This guide provides an overview of the FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH XML Interface file and discusses the process of integrating such a file with other back-end systems.

Important Note:This guide is not meant to imply or suggest any responsibility on the part of the Federal Reserve Banks to assist with, or to be a part of, the design or development of the depository financial institution’s back-end report storage or internet banking system. The Federal Reserve Banks’ technical support staff is available to respond to questions concerning the application interface and information contained in this guide.

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The FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH is capable of generating many types of human-readable reports and machine-readable files. This information can be of interest to the various ACH network participants: Originator, ODFI, RDFI and Receiver.

This particular guide focuses on one of the output delivery options offered by the FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH: an XML formatted file that can be directed to a FedLine Solution file delivery channel and imported into a financial institution’s or service provider’s back-end system for loading to file storage and internet banking cash management systems.

Your institution may be familiar with the FedImage® Gateway Retrieval Service. This FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH delivery feature has similarities and differences relative to that service. Access to both services is via a FedLine Solution using an XML interface. One major difference is where the data is stored. With FedImage, the data is stored and accessed at a national data repository. With the FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH, the data is placed in a file by the FedACH application and transmitted to the specified FedLine Solution file delivery access point (FedLine Advantage, FedLine Command or FedLine Direct). FedLine Advantage is a human-attended channel. FedLine Command and FedLine Direct have the advantage of being unattended channels and thus support computer automation of the entire process without the intervention of a human operator.

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Outlined below is an overview of a possible process for integrating the FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH XML file into your institution’s back-end systems.

  1. Review all available documentation to understand the FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH’s Reports Delivery via FedLine Solution feature
  2. Form a team and create an implementation strategy
  3. Complete and submit Part 6D, Section B of the FedACH Participation Agreement
  4. Develop your software based on the file specifications provided by the Federal Reserve Banks
    1. Additional technical (ZIP) XML schema definition (XSD) and XML field element descriptions are available
    2. The FedLine Direct and FedLine Command security implementation guides are provided to End User Authorization Contacts (EUACs)
    3. The FedACH Computer Interface Protocol Specifications (CIPS) document is available at “Support Center” via FedLine Web. To access this document, log on to FedLine Web and click “Learning Center.”  In the left navigation area under Support Center, click “Documentation.”  The FedACH CIPS document is located in the FedACH Services area.
  5. Begin internally testing the solution against a sample test XML file (ZIP) provided by the Federal Reserve Banks
  6. Complete your internal testing within the FedACH test environment
  7. Upon successful internal testing, your institution can pilot receiving live XML files from the FedACH production environment
  8. Upon successful completion of internal production piloting, your institution can begin formal deployment of the solution

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Technical Support

The technical support for the FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH Reports Delivery via FedLine Solution feature is coordinated by the Customer Support area at the Federal Reserve Bank.

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Problem Resolution

Your institution should notify the Customer Support area of any problems it experiences or any questions it has. A customer support staff member will take ownership of the issue pending its resolution.

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